Casting analysis simulates the pouring of molten metal into the model and the solidification process, allowing flaws such as shrinkage cavities and misrun of molten metal to be identified before casting.
Considering by flow analysis the validity of casting plans, which usually rely on instinct and experience, helps to stabilize quality levels, cuts the number of required tests, and shortens delivery times.

Flow analysis

Flow analysis can visualize the state of molten metal flowing into a mold, so seeing the fluidity and temperature distribution enables operators to review casting plans and draft plans most suited to the product.

Illustrative example of low-pressure casting

Flow analysis Illustrative example of low-pressure casting

Solidification analysis

Solidification analysis visualizes how molten metal poured into a mold solidifies, so defects caused by solidification delays can be predicted. This allows operators to draft sound countermeasures.

Illustrative example of low-pressure casting

Solidification analysis Illustrative example of low-pressure casting